Eighth day

The city of Obernai is much larger in size than both Riquewihr and Eguisheim. Almost 11 thousand inhabitants live in it, but this does not prevent Obernai from being one of the cozy and romantic Alsatian towns.

Прежде всего в глаза бросается высокая и очень красивая башня. Колокольня Каппельтюрм — это башня высотой 59,60 метров, единственное, что сохранилось от часовни Пресвятой Богородицы. Символ города, колокольня Каппельтюрм выполняет 3 функции: собственно колокольня города, смотровая башня и шпиль часовни.

Название переводится с французского как «Колодец шести ведер». Этот красивейший колодец выполнен в стиле эпохи Возрождения в 1579 году. Он украшен тремя коринфскими колоннами, поддерживающими крышу, украшенную скульптурами на библейские темы из Нового Завета.

Прежде всего в глаза бросается высокая и очень красивая башня. Колокольня Каппельтюрм — это башня высотой 59,60 метров, единственное, что сохранилось от часовни Пресвятой Богородицы. Символ города, колокольня Каппельтюрм выполняет 3 функции: собственно колокольня города, смотровая башня и шпиль часовни.
Ebersmunster is a tiny village, no one would ever have heard of it if it weren't for the only baroque cathedral in Alsace.

А вот собор действительно роскошный. Храмовый орган - не только музыкальный инструмент, но и значимый элемент интерьера.

The third city on this day is Selectat, formerly Schlettstadt.
The Romanesque Church of St. Fe of Agen (Saint Foy) (Église Sainte-Foy de Sélestat/St.-Fides-Kirche Schlettstadt) was built in the second half of the 12th century.

It's nice to stop in Celeste somewhere for half a day to wander through the ancient winding streets and take a self-guided walking tour, getting acquainted with excellent examples of architecture of different styles.
But we have been traveling through Alsace for the fifth day and on this day and hour there was a glut. And in order not to spoil the impression of an interesting city, we did not do it.
Ninth day
This was the last full day that we spent in the land of Alsace and devoted the whole day to Colmar. We completed what we did not have time in previous days.
Leisurely walked around the quarter called Petite Venise, Little Venice. Petite Venise - a district in Colmar, the former quarter of gardeners, fishermen and leather tanners, stretches along the river Lauch. This river once served as their main means of communication.

И, наконец, наши женщины покатались на лодках вокруг Маленькой Венеции. Кольмар окончательно заслужил в наших глазах реабилитацию.

Название района не случайно — маленький город на воде похож на Брюгге, который в свою очередь называют Северной Венецией. Вдоль реки выстроилась цепочка аккуратных отреставрированных домиков XIV-XVIII веков.

И, наконец, наши женщины покатались на лодках вокруг Маленькой Венеции. Кольмар окончательно заслужил в наших глазах реабилитацию.
Tenth day

Today we left the hospitable land of Alsace. But we couldn't just leave. We went to Haut-Koenigsbourg Castle for a snack.
Haut Koenigsbourg
The name of Haut-Königsburg Castle translates as King's Castle. It was built in the first half of the 12th century on a strategically important site. The castle rises on a rocky plateau 720 m high above the Alsatian valley.
Today Haut-Koenigsburg is one of the most famous castles in France. Inside the castle there is a wonderful collection of edged weapons, dishes and kitchen utensils that were in use during the time of Wilhelm II, antique furniture and interior items.

Weil am Rhine
In 2007, the bridge of the Three Countries was built from the city across the Rhine to France.
Just in this place, our next hotel is located, 300 meters from the Swiss and French borders.

I confess - this is not our photo!
Here is the address of the hotel: Hauptstrasse 435 Weil am Rhein, 79576, Germany
Very good hotel, but we were only there for one night.
Eleventh day

The last chord in this road trip is Zurich.
We found a parking lot in the very center of the city. Just a few steps away is Zurich Main Train Station. In front of the station stands a monument to Alfred Escher, the founder of Swiss railways.

From the monument to the lake stretches Bahnhofstrasse - the main shopping and banking street of the city, one of the most expensive streets in the world.
From Bahnhofstrasse, turn left in the direction of travel and go to the towering tower of St. Peter's Church. It is known primarily for the largest size of the tower clock, the dial diameter of which is 8.7 meters, and the minute hand is almost 4 meters.

Only half an hour from the parking lot in the center of Zurich - and we enter the car return area at Zurich Airport - Kloten. A few hours later - and we get on the plane. And in four hours we arrive home. Thus ended our next road trip.