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Southampton, England

Time travel: 


Heathrow Airport, London, UK

Luton Airport, London, UK

In 2019, we sailed from the port of Southampton, England, across the North Sea and went deep into the Norwegian fjords.
Here is the map:



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Our ship: Cunard Line (England), Queen Victoria:


Gross tonnage: 90746
Number of decks: 12
Vessel overall length x overall beam: 294m × 32.29m
Height: 62.5m
Number of passengers: 2081
Crew: 900
Year of construction: 2007

Why do we sometimes allow ourselves this type of vacation, despite the fact that it is a relatively expensive trip?
Firstly, the quality / price ratio is at least an order of magnitude higher than, for example, a road trip.
And this applies to all aspects: hotel, restaurant, transport, and so on.
Secondly, you get a package of services, as they say - in one vessel.
I would also like to draw attention to such a characteristic: the ratio of the number of passengers to the number of crew.
On the ship we sailed this year, this ratio was very good: 2.31 - the lower the better.
And one more thing: on what trip did you show off in such an outfit - a tuxedo or a suit?
Of course, on a cruise!


About me

Here you will find original texts of travel notes during car trips, supplied with maps and photographs.

Leonid Kazachkov

I programmer with over 30 years of experience,

I know all stages of the project: from idea to coding and testing.
I have a degree: Candidate of Economic Sciences.
For the last 30 years I have been living and working in Israel.
Developed more than a hundred applications in the Delphi programming language.
The interface, for obvious reasons, is in Hebrew and English.
Now I write applications in Python a little.
All applications use database technology.


In my free time I travel around the world by car (see this site).

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